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The Thrilling World of Property Consultancy

23rd April, 2024
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Issued by Frank Salt Real Estate Ltd.

Working in Real Estate in Malta.

If there is one industry that guarantees one the possibility of fortunes to be made, dreams to be realised and futures to be transformed, a career in selling real estate is definitely one of the front runners. Across the globe, property consultants stand at the forefront of an industry teeming with excitement and opportunity. According to international statistics, the global real estate market continues to surge, with an estimated €1.95 trillion realised in transaction volumes annually. From a local perspective, back in January the Malta Developers Association stated that 16,636 promise of sale agreements were signed in 2023, with a total value of €4.6 billion.

Mandy Zaffarese, the HR Manager at Frank Salt Real Estate, delves into the intricacies of this profession, exploring the diverse experiences and pathways that can lead to one’s ultimate success within real estate.


The Appeal of Property Consultancy

Property consultancy offers a unique appeal due to its accessibility and potential for unlimited growth. Unlike many other professions, a candidate doesn’t need prior experience; instead, comprehensive guidance and training is provided by the main industry players. This approach ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds can enter the field with confidence, knowing they’ll receive the support they need in order to thrive. By eliminating barriers to entry and providing tailored training programs, an agency opens doors to new opportunities and unlocks the full potential of its professionals. Take Frank Salt Real Estate for example: the company fosters a culture of continuous learning and development, thereby empowering consultants to navigate the complexities of the real estate market with relative ease.

In this dynamic field, success is within reach for those willing to embrace the challenges and seize the opportunities that come their way. Property consultancy is not just a career choice; it’s a pathway to personal and professional fulfilment, where dedication and hard work pave the way to limitless earnings and career advancement possibilities.

Konrad Bonnici is a typical success story. He is a property consultant with Frank Salt Real Estate’s Mellieha branch. Before entering the real estate industry, he enjoyed a diverse career in hospitality and travel. “Real estate always intrigued me for years and whilst I enjoyed my previous job – and also earned an above average income – I wanted more. One day I made the decision to give it a try and I’ve never regretted that choice!”

“The real estate journey encompasses numerous captivating stages, from acquiring and listing properties to marketing strategies and client meetings.” continues Konrad.  “However, the most rewarding stage is when clients transition into home ownership. Witnessing their final expression of joy and satisfaction is truly indescribable.”

Navigating the Real Estate Landscape

Real estate is a dynamic and multifaceted industry that demands personal dedication and hard work. However, the rewards can be limitless for those who are willing to put in the effort, but it is recommended that one joins a company with a strong reputation and an expanding presence in the local market. This inevitably will lead to countless opportunities to engage with a diverse range of clients and represent a range of properties, from residential homes to commercial ventures.  Each transaction will present its own unique set of challenges and exciting prospects for growth.

Clients and Challenges: Embracing Diversity

The beauty of working in real estate lies in the diversity of experiences on offer. Consultants have the privilege of assisting clients from all walks of life, whether it’s helping young couples find their dream home or guiding investors towards profitable opportunities. Additionally, the flexibility of the job allows individuals to balance work and personal commitments, making it an attractive option for parents returning to the workforce or athletes seeking side business ventures.

The Responsibilities and Rewards of Property Consultancy

Being a property consultant is not merely about buying and selling houses; it’s about guiding clients through one of life’s most significant financial and emotional decisions. Consultants need to possess a diverse set of skills: from excellent negotiation tactics to empathy and adaptability in order to ensure the best outcome for their clients. Despite the challenges, the rewards of a career in property consultancy are plentiful. Consultants have the opportunity to explore the beauty of our island, discover hidden gems in the real estate market and play a pivotal role in shaping the aspirations and future of their clients.

Nick Portelli from the St Julian’s branch of Frank Salt Real Estate has been the top agent for a number of years now and his dedication consistently sets the bar higher and higher for others. He believes there is no secret to one’s success as a property consultant! “It simply takes sheer determination and very hard work to reach self-imposed targets. At the same time, one needs to stay conscious of the fact that time is limited and as a result there is a need to focus one’s energy on recognising any good opportunity that presents itself along the way.” he commented.

Frank Salt Real Estate: A Legacy of Excellence

For over 55 years, Frank Salt Real Estate has been a pillar of reliability and professionalism in the industry. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the tailor-made packages we offer to our consultants, designed to facilitate a smooth transition to a commission-based structure. Moreover, our dedication to deliver cutting-edge marketing ensures a steady stream of leads, while ongoing support and incentives reward those who go above and beyond in their roles.

Property consultancy offers the promise of a rewarding pathway to personal and professional fulfilment for individuals from all walks of life. Whether one is a seasoned professional seeking a new challenge or a parent looking for flexibility in one’s working day, the world of real estate beckons with endless possibilities. And at Frank Salt Real Estate, we’re committed to guiding you every step of the way on your journey to success!

If you would like to see if property consultancy is an option for you, feel free to reach out to Mandy on 22770157 or by email at [email protected]

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