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There’s never been a better time to invest in property in Malta

1st January, 1970
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Following the result of the referendum in the UK which we all have come to know as Brexit, many people have raised concerns regarding how the UK’s exit from the EU will affect their daily life, both personally and professionally. Furthermore, the result came as a shock to almost half of the British population, making it clear that a large percentage of the population were in favour of remaining part of the EU.

The changes will not be put into effect instantaneously as it will take between two to five years before Britain leaves the EU. Nonetheless, people are apprehensive about how these changes will affect the Brits living in Europe and foreigners residing in the UK. Thankfully, the freedom for UK nationals to reside in Malta under the current residence schemes will remain unchanged and any possible future changes will all depend on lengthy negotiations that could take years.

Hence, the possibility to secure a property in Malta and reside in the EU is still a viable option and its close proximity to the UK together with its historical and cultural ties make it an ideal choice for Brits considering relocation elsewhere in Europe.

Malta has a lot to offer for those seeking a re-location. For a start, it is an English-speaking fully independent member state of the EU and Europe and the quality of life compares favourably to the UK. Furthermore, the islands offer high-standard education, possibly one of the best healthcare services in Europe and a solid economy with the second highest growth rates in the EU (2015), paired with other desirable features such as fantastic weather conditions and advantageous tax schemes for foreigners working in Malta.

For the career focused Londoners who see themselves as European citizens and are concerned about the capital’s prospects over the next few years, a move to Malta is a sensible route to consider. Malta has a booming finance and tech-based economy and is also very welcoming to those looking to relocate their business in the finance and gaming sectors. Without a doubt, British workers will continue to be welcome in Malta whatever the outcome of the negotiations with the EU down the line.

Ultimately, long-term changes and the results of the UK’s negotiations with the EU are all a guess at this stage. The fact remains that individuals, families, companies cannot wait for years to find out the outcome – they need to think things through now and be pro-active in identifying their next step. Whether your interests are personal or professional, we can help you secure your business or property in Malta, in order to ensure the smooth running of your operations within the EU despite any changes that may occur over the years.

There has never been a better time to invest in property in Malta. For residential sales and letting please contact us on telephone 00356 2379 4794 or email [email protected] or if you wish to contact our commercial department you may call on 00356 2379 4181 or via email on [email protected]. You may also find further details on our website

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