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Paint Trends in Malta

1st January, 1970
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Paint colour preferences for walls usually reflect the geography of a place, or certain allegiances that people in an area might have.

We were curious as to the favourite Maltese paints around, and if there are any trends in the way that people choose the colour for their walls, depending on which district they live in for example. 

Just to give you an idea of how we are looking at the island

Northern Harbour – Gzira, Sliema, Swieqi, San Gwann, St. Venera

Northern – Mgarr, Mosta, Mellieha, Naxxar, St. Paul’s Bay

Southern Harbour – the 3 cities, Floriana, Tarxien, Paola

Southeast – Birzebbuga, Marsaskala, Marsaxlokk, Zurrieq, Zejtun

Western – Attard, Lija, Rabat, Dingli

Would they use light shades in the city centres and would more colour be used in more rural parts? We couldn’t wait to find out and these are the results –

Our Interiors

Apparently more often than not Brilliant White is used in the Central parts along with the North part of the island. Both these areas are more adventurous when it comes to colours and tend to create more of an accent or feature wall.

All or most apartments are being painted White, Linen White or Brilliant White nowadays. This makes sense as most of the apartments are tiny in comparison to some airier layouts from previous years. Such neutral hues create a blank canvas for colourful accents while, contrary to being seen as a cold colour the white does give off a warm touch to a small space. Besides there are so many kinds of white now too.

How to choose your white

Whether modern or traditional, white usually provides the most practical backdrop for many styles. There are warm, cosy shades of cream and ivory. You may also like whites with a drop of colour, like whites with a touch of blue, or with a hint of grey.  

A cool white can emphasize a sculptural or art-piece wall, warmer whites tend to hide imperfections, and clean shades open the space up more.

In the South they still tend to prefer Magnolia. Pastel to medium shades are chosen when it comes to colours, yet they seem more prone to paint all walls in that colour rather than create a feature out of it.  

How to make the most of feature walls

A feature wall can be created by using both paint or wallpaper. But how best to make the most of such features?

– For Paint

Colour the wall or walls that get the most light and make sure not to close up the room rather than opening it up. Try not to make it feel too boxy when you’re adding a colour.  Also, choose an accent colour that makes most sense for your soft touches and furniture.

Your feature doesn’t have to be a block colour, you can easily create patterns that will make it that much bolder.

– For Wallpaper

Wallpaper might be a little messier than paint, and you do have to be a bit more of a perfectionist, and you might want to change it…which is possible…yet it’s worth it.

Applying wallpaper requires patience, perseverance and precision. Here are a few things to keep in mind –  

Play with Scale

Bold wallpaper can make a big impact in a small space, just don’t be afraid to experiment. Add mirrors for some reflection and to increase the feel of the space.  

Keep it Classic

If your space is modern you might want to choose a classic pattern to counter the straight and blunt feel.

If you have a very classic feel then you might want to do the opposite and give your backdrop a clean feel.

Go beyond Minimal

If the minimalistic palette dictates white on white on ecru, you can deviate a bit by combining a small-scale pattern with a varied repeat.

Make it Two-toned

As with the paint colour for your wall, you can also wish to combine different wallpapers or have two contrasting colours next to each other.

Our Exteriors

Though most exteriors are kept neutral, there are some places who are going for bolder colours than that.

When it comes to very modern buildings a nice charcoal grey is beautiful to then offset with white interiors and accents. When it comes to houses or villas it depends on your surroundings and the architecture.  

Think about the mood that you want and will evoke by using certain colours. If you keep the transitional feel between your rooms in mind then you should be fine.

This was an interesting study for us and we would like to thank Vee Gee Bee San Gwann who were so helpful in giving us the information regarding local trends.  

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