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The Rise in Popularity of The Minimalist Design Style for Interiors

7th March, 2019
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In a world of materialism and endless options of things to buy, we keep hearing over and over again, “less is more”. The word “minimalism” may conjure up an image of an ultramodern, empty white box; yet minimalism in interior design is all about stripping down a place to its bare essentials and purpose by eliminating anything that’s unnecessary. The team at Frank Salt Real Estate knows their stuff when comes to good interior design in Malta, so read on for more info about this design style and the rise in popularity.

The Beginning

Minimalist design started in the 20th century as a reaction to traditional and overly elaborate details and has been on the rise throughout the millennium. Indeed, in fighting the hoarding nature of the baby-boomer generation for which they are notorious, millennials are increasingly finding themselves trying to counteract the mountains of stuff their parents and grandparents have acquired.

Although the term “less is more” comes from a Browning poem, published in 1855, it was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – a patriarch of modern architecture – with his use of glass, steel and wide-open spaces to create his unembellished modern visions, who adopted the phrase as a precept for minimalist design.

So What Does a Minimalist Interior Design Entail?

1. Functional Design

Creating functional and compact design elements is one of the key features in minimalist design. A floating wall for instance, divides a space and doubles as a closet or concealed storage piece while also standing on its own as a focal point.

2. Fighting the Hoarding Gene

Eliminating clutter is a key hallmark of minimalist interior design. This simplicity allows the focus to remain on the room’s function and on the beauty of its carefully selected furnishings. A clean, uncluttered space is known to increase our happiness, feelings of well-being and concentration.

3. Serene Colour Combinations

A lack of clutter in a minimalist space means that your colour scheme plays a larger part in the overall aesthetic than may be the case in other aesthetics. Keeping colour combinations to a minimum further enhances the serene and balanced environment. With clean expanses of wall and floor you can go bold and creative with your artwork and allow any pop of colour through accessories to stand out. Layers of different textures such as wood and fabrics also work well in any minimalist space.

A minimalist space looks and feels great (think about that lovely hotel suite you stayed in), and creates a sense of order to our somewhat chaotic lives!

Looking for Tasteful Interior Design in Malta? Let Our Team Transform Your Property Just the Way You Like It!

Whatever your style aesthetic, our creative and talented team of home interiors consultants will help bring your design visions to life. From managing garden landscaping to overseeing complete home renovations, we ensure first-rate interior design in Malta, with top quality and delivery of services.

Contact us now for more information and be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates!

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