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The Art to Art in your property

11th April, 2018
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One of the most frequently asked questions in property decorating is how to successfully incorporate art in your property, whether it is your home or office.

It can be an exciting and daunting process all at the same time. But it can really make a difference in terms of putting your individual stamp on your property, or if you’re trying to sell, enhancing the aesthetic appeal to prospective buyers.

Choosing the right pieces of art for each space can be expensive and time consuming and let’s face it, doesn’t always turn out as hoped. However, you don’t need to only invest in expensive art and it doesn’t all have to be done perfectly in one go. The beauty of art is finding objects that have meaning to you and that you enjoy and want to have the benefit of looking at every day.

This is the also the part of your home or office that can evolve and change over time. Unlike a kitchen or bathroom, you aren’t stuck with it for the next 5-10 years if you don’t like how it turns out! Plus art can be used to transform a space or simply change the mood of a room. Incorporating some tips from a professional can make the difference between getting the look you had in mind right, to a disaster that leaves you feeling defeated. It also avoids your friends and colleagues not quite sharing or admiring your artistic taste.

Heart of your home

Wall Art

Don’t be afraid to go bold or to go big!

It doesn’t matter how small your space is, going for a piece of art that takes up a lot of the space can actually make the space seem larger. Believe it or not a small painting on a wall can make the space seem even smaller than it already is. In statement pieces, colours are bold, vibrant, and powerful.

Choosing art that takes centre stage is a great way to divide and frame your space into separate areas.

Or introduce a large piece that simulates a view of your favourite beach or lake, giving the impression of a window with a view and creating a feeling of a more open space. If you don’t have the budget for a large piece of art, a number of small objects grouped together to fill up a space can work too.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different pieces together in one space. The days are long gone where everything needs to match perfectly. Experiment with different themes, sizes and frame types. A sensible approach is to cut out the shapes and sizes of the paintings on paper and paste them on the wall to see how it may look, ahead of getting out the drill. The professionals recommend covering about two thirds of the wall, with the focal point at eye-level and approximately 20cm-30cm away from furniture.

This way nothing fights visually with anything else in the room.

Wall art in your home


Hanging a framed painting or a canvas on a wall somehow seems less intimidating than when it comes to displaying a sculpture in your home. When it comes to thinking about art in terms of sculptures, you may think it has to be the Bust of Nefertiti by Thutmose, and while this may seem desirable, this is hardly achievable for most.

Having an object that you can look at from a number of different angles can really bring depth and dimension to a room. There is something about the shadows created that really helps bring dimension and contrast to a space. It doesn’t have to be a Roman bust or something that would only appear in a museum. Any piece that provides more than a single flat surface to a space, and you love, can work.

Start slowly and don’t overdo it. Find a space designed to display an object – whether it is a shelf, a plinth or a space on the floor, it really doesn’t matter. As long as it has enough space around it to allow it to be seen and enjoyed and you’re not going to bump your head on it or fall over it repeatedly.

One sculptural item in the right place is enough. It’s definitely safer to say that less is more when it comes to sculptures. In terms of placement avoid a busy background which can fight with or overshadow the object. Sculptures need plain spaces and plenty of light around them to be appreciated.

So take the plunge and frame that watercolour you discovered hidden away in a small art gallery and enjoy it hanging on a wall in your home or office. Or dust off that sculpture you bought on a whim and have had hidden away in your garage ever since!

Art is life!

Sculptures in your home

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