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Pleasure Doing Business With You: Tips on Renting Commercial Property

28th November, 2018
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When renting property in Malta for commercial spaces, there are quite a few things to consider. It’s a good idea to begin your search a good while before you intend to move in, as this will give you more time to look at your options and more leverage to work with during negotiations. Frank Salt Real Estate shares a few important criteria to keep in mind when seeking property to rent or buy as a business owner.

Size Matters – Or Does It?

As the saying goes, bigger isn’t always better – especially if you’re still a young company or a start-up. A small number of employees doesn’t require a large space with huge offices, which will essentially become wasted space if not used. Alternatively, if you have a plan in mind in which you expect your business to expand by a specific amount within a certain number of years, you can plan and budget accordingly.

Don’t Get Locked In…

… by a long-term contract, that is! (It’s up to you as to which of your employees are the least likely to forget the office keys at home in the morning). There’s always a chance that your business might not take off as quickly as planned, which is why it’s better to sign a short-term lease at first.

Everybody Needs Good Neighbours

Love at first sight can happen as easily with a piece of property – and, as with a person, it’s all too easy to jump into things impulsively without looking at the finer details. From nearby competitors to other businesses that may bring further traffic or opportunities your way, it’s important to take the surrounding area of the property in question into account.


It’s very common for new tenants to modify property to their own liking – such as sectioning off certain areas with partitions or sliding doors. It’s therefore vital to confirm whether or not you can make these changes before signing the contract and if the premises need to go back to their original state once the lease is up.

Responsibilities Are Like Weights

But not if you share them! Decide beforehand on who is responsible for what; this will pay off eventually, should the unfortunate occur and maintenance needs to be carried out on either broken equipment or damaged premises. It’s also important to ensure that the building meets health and safety regulations.

If you’re a business owner, looking for commercial property in Malta to rent or purchase, it can be hard to come by – but not if you team up with us at Frank Salt Real Estate! Contact us today for more information about our services, and we’ll set you up with one of our specialised agents to find commercial property in Malta that’s just right for you and your company.

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