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Meet the Team: Edward Micallef

1st April, 2022
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edward micallef

This week we are getting to know Edward Micallef a bit better.  He has recently been appointed as the new manager of Frank Salt Real Estate’s Balzan branch, something he is very excited about. Coming from a financial and banking background, Edward is someone who thus not only has an eye for detail but can also crunch those important numbers! As a strong believer in teamwork and motivating people to excel, he is determined to find the best in his whole team and to push them to the top. As for an escape from the pressures this new position will bring with it, he says he has the perfect solution: he loves nothing more than going for extended walks with his dog to unwind and de-stress. 

As someone to watch, we had to dig a bit deeper and we asked him the following questions:

"if you engage in something really exciting - which you are truly passionate about - you do not have to be pushed… it is rather the inspiration that pushes you! "

Who is the person we know as Edward? Tell us in about a 100 words! 

I am 34 years old, coming from the banking sector and since then, I have been working in the real estate industry. I have been with the company since July 2015, so it will be for a total of 7 years this July! 


After I left the banking industry, Frank Salt Real Estate was my first experience of working in the real estate industry. I believe I am a sociable, positive and energetic person and enjoy meeting and interacting with new people. I love to travel and unwind and I usually get away from it all by meeting up with family and friends. To escape from the daily stress I usually go for a quiet stroll with my dog in the countryside. 


As for motivation when it comes to my job: I strongly believe in engaging one’s personality in everything you do. This in turn will be passed on to others you work closely with. I also believe in joint team efforts rather than individual efforts and like most things, a strong united team spirit should be the essence of every successful team. 


My moto is: if you engage in something really exciting – which you are truly passionate about – you do not have to be pushed… it is rather the inspiration that pushes you! 



We read that you studied banking and finance. Where does this passion come from? 

I wouldn’t say it’s my passion to be honest; however I was always into investing, following market trends and financials.


Tell us about your past work experience… 

I spent four and a half years in banking as mentioned earlier and used to be part of BNF’s Treasury Department. 


What attracted you to join the Frank Salt Team? 

Ever since I can recall, even at a young age, I was always eager to learn more about real estate and was always intrigued about property and the property market. It was always a subject for conversation at the table, both with family and friends. I would say, I was passionate about the idea of selling real estate without knowing it! In hindsight I wouldn’t have fulfilled my ambitions and job satisfaction had I not gone with my instinct and given real estate a go. 


I decided to go for Frank Salt Real Estate for the company’s reputation for professionalism and its brand image mostly! 


I’m eager to make an impact and to get the team moving forward. I intend to make the most of my new position and to motivate the whole team in the best way possible and at the same time to enjoy ourselves in doing so. I’m also keen on getting to know all my new colleagues better, familiarising myself with the new area to get to know it better and through this accustom myself to the responsibilities that this new role brings with it.

Edward Micallef

Do you like reading and do you have a favourite book or author? 

I usually go for anything that is a biography!



What is your favourite food? Have you ever tried to make it yourself? 

I love all cuisines… however; one of my favourites would be Vietnamese cuisine… yes most probably! If I had to have something on a daily basis it would have to be Mediterranean food, so a mix between typical Greek and Italian cuisine.



What do you enjoy the most about your job? 

I really like the fact that we are constantly meeting new and different people. We are always on the go and work in a very dynamic environment, which I personally find very interesting. To top it all off, it is very special being able to work under flexible conditions. Another interesting point is that you also have the potential to earn as much as you want, depending on the time and energy you are truly willing to put into the whole business of selling property.


Which film have you seen over and over again and enjoyed every time?  

I would say ‘Gladiator’!


If you were let’s say a billionaire and did not need to work, what would you do? 

I would probably sail around the world for the rest of my life… exploring new places and meeting new people!


If you had a disagreement with an old friend, do you reconcile the friendship, or do you forgive and forget… or do you never speak again? 

I would definitely try to reconcile.

Edward Micallef

Tell us about a favourite childhood memory! 

Being at school with my friends, or going to Gozo with our grandparents on the weekends.


Do you ever binge-watch any TV series or shows? If so, which? 

I’m constantly going from one TV series to the next and tend to go for what’s trending at the moment… that is after I complete a whole series though!

Are you adventurous with food and have you ever eaten something strange or unusual? If so, what? 

Yes, I think I’m quite adventurous with food and the weirdest thing I’ve tried would probably be a snake dish.


We heard that you love walks with your dog. What do you think about when you are out there clocking the miles? 

I just feel at one with nature and it’s usually the time when I truly unwind and feel completely relaxed.


Is there anything you hate doing and if so, why? Would you go as far as paying someone to do it? 

I am not a fan of ironing my shirts. I would love to pay someone to do that… perhaps!


If you came second in a competition, would you sulk or be OK with it? 

I won’t be pleased about it and to be honest, I might sulk a bit.


What advice will you give to someone who wants to become an estate agent?

I would say if real estate intrigues you and you have a passion for it plus enjoy being outdoors and interacting with new people, I would definitely recommend that you go for it.

If you did not live in Malta, where would you see yourself? 

I would say somewhere in Europe. Switzerland always sounds like a super idea; however I could also go with the north of Italy.


Give us the best piece of advice you will share with a younger person just starting out in life… 

Be yourself, but always your better self 🙂


Did you have a great or awful time at school and would you relive some of the times if you could? 

I would, yes. Obviously it is the passing of time that shapes you as a person and helps you mature and develop your character.



Edward Micallef

Tell us about the best party you have ever been to! 

 It was a dress-up illegal party!

Can you get along without your mobile phone for a weekend?…. and whatever the answer, elaborate! 

Not sure!

If you had a choice, what would be your superpower? 

I would say to possess the power of being able to constantly convince people. 

What motivates you to keep going? 

The more you invest in something, the more satisfying the rewards are. It applies to everything in life. Having targets and individual goals are all factors that helps to motivate me.

edward micallef


What is your star sign?


What is your favourite beverage?

Gin and tonic and red wine!


Are you a morning person or a night-owl?

I’d say I prefer staying up late.


What is your favourite season of the year and why?

I like spring and wintertime. Spring for the walks in the countryside and winter for the weather.


How do you feel about getting older?

I’m fine with it… it’s our biological clock at work.

Describe to us an ideal night out and what you would be doing…

Probably a night out with family or friends at a top restaurant or hanging out at a friend’s house cooking something and chilling.


Do you have a bucket list? If so, name a few things on it!

Whale watching or forest trekking. Or ideally sailing around the world… even driving a super luxury car at a race track!


Do you prefer going to a restaurant, a delivery or a takeout?

It all depends on my mood, but generally I prefer going to a restaurant.

Edward Micallef

Branch Manager

Edward is the branch manager at our Balzan office.

Get in touch.

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