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Meet the Team: Christine Vella

1st October, 2021
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Christine Vella

Christine works for the Cospicua Letting Branch, and we are jealous! Having an office in the most scenic of locations on the entire island must be a buzz for anyone.

She comes with a sense of calm, just what a client needs from an agent when they are under the stress of finding a rental property. She enjoys going out for dinner, complemented with a good bottle of wine in Valletta, and keeps active with long walks. We bet it is during this time that she contemplates the world of crypto currencies, something she is very keen on learning more about.

Christine is also immensely protective of her inner circle of friends, a group that has stood by her side throughout her life and they also happen to be the people she likes spending the most time with, besides her daughter, Jade. We caught her on a very busy morning and squeezed some more information out of her about her life.

This is what she had to say:

 "Succes in real estate comes down to two factors: taking care of and valuing the customer

Who is Christine in 100 words?

I am loyal, fun and a very good listener. I see myself as a keeper, a hard worker and above all, the loving mother of a 20-year-old daughter! I also have a passion for home interiors, art and music. I am a huge, super dog lover. I love meeting people, especially foreigners and learning about different cultures. Lastly, I like to live a healthy lifestyle.

What can you tell us about your background and your family?

I am born and bred Maltese and have one younger sibling: a sister. I am also mother to one daughter, and she is my ultimate reason for living… she is not just a daughter but also one of my best friends!

Tell us some cool facts about any hobbies or other stuff you enjoy doing in your free time?

I do not have a specific hobby but in my free time I enjoy reading and going for long walks. During summer you will find me at the beach, I also love travelling and trying different cuisines.

Share some details of your academic achievements and work experience with us!

I recently got my estate agents licence, and I was also Best Performing Consultant in 2019, Best New Letting Recruit in 2019. I love being part of the Frank Salt Real Estate family as we are all pro-active and offer good support to one another. We are also known for our good teamwork. When I started, I was in the position of being a manager’s assistant and for the past 2 years I have been working as a letting consultant.

What attracted you to join the Frank Salt Team?

The company’s fantastic reputation, the on-going training to improve our skills and the quality of service associated with the group.

Every day I face a different challenge: I love building up a rapport with clients and not having to spend the whole day at the office. I also love building new relationships with people and having the opportunity to visit beautiful homes. My motto is “Success in real estate comes down to two factors: taking care of and valuing the customer.” ― Michael Miedler, Century 21 CEO

Christine Vella

If you could have supper with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

Frida Kahlo! She was a very strong, talented, and determined person…. she inspires me.

Tell us about any obsessions you have or something that fascinates you!

Absolutely Mother Nature! Think of beautiful sunsets and the loved one receives from a dog!

 What would you do if you had enough money and did not need to work?

I would travel the world.

What was the last show you binge-watched?

Money Heist

 Among your friends, what are you best known for?

That I am smart, always mom of the group, a perfectionist and above all, fun!

Is there anything that you have a fear of?


Is there anything you dislike doing and if so, why?

Ironing clothes….it is very annoying!

What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it?

Blockchain and crypto currencies.

What advice will you give to someone who wants to become a letting agent?

Be transparent, patient and straight to the point.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

I fell into the sea wearing clothes!

Christine Vella

Does your love for and knowledge of The Three Cities play a role in your dealings with clients and if so, how?

Absolutely yes. My clients also fall in love with the area and do not want to change living in another area, ever!

What do you consider as an essential that should always be in your fridge?

Veggies, cheese and a bottle of good wine.

What would your choice be for the perfect holiday?

Sun, beach and adventures.

Name two things you cannot live without and tell us why

My daughter: she is the best thing that ever happened to me. Then there are also my best friends as they are always there for me…. in every situation of my life whether it was the worst or best moments I had.

What do you think about climate change and global warming?

It is likely to destroy the world slowly, slowly…

Can you get along without your mobile phone for a weekend?…. and whatever the answer, elaborate

Yes! Only if I’m in the perfect place with the right people though.

Christine Vella

What will you do if you have a time machine?

Go back to continue my studies.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role and what will it be called?

Mila Kunis – My Crazy Beautiful Life.

 What do you think of all the billionaires and their trips into space?

I wish I was one of them!

Some interesting facts about Christine we’d like to share

Star sign:

Do you have a favourite food and if so, what is it:

Morning person or a night owl: Morning for sure!

Favourite month:

Favourite all-time movie or book:
Eat, Pray, Love

Favourite season:

Idea of a night out:
A nice dinner with a good glass of wine.


Name one thing that you regret not having done:
Living abroad… I can grow my life experience and learn from different cultures.

Get in touch.

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