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Meet the Team: Anki Ellul

26th October, 2022
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Get to know Anki!

Swedish-born Anki has lived in Malta for 30 years and prior to that in the UK for 10 years. She previously worked in IT, hospitality management and development and design. She has a passion for adventure and likes to visit countries that offer vast contrasts to experience, whether it is nature-based or even political and cultural diversity. She draws her inspiration from the early female pioneers of travel writers that explored especially the Middle East and Anki loves taking photographs both at home and on her travels with her family. With a keen eye for detail, this lady misses nothing! Her love for the camera, design and detail offers her the opportunity to visualise possibilities for properties that clients may not be aware of, something she loves to point out and share with them. This is something she finds very rewarding, especially if they then realise the potential a property holds and fall in love with it.

Anki lives a busy life with activities such as snorkelling and swimming during the summer or spending her free time with her partner and two grown-up children when the opportunity arises, as they both live abroad. Besides selling property, she enjoys sailing the high seas, travelling extensively, photography, dancing and socialising with good friends over a glass of wine. We sat down with this globe-trotting agent from the Ibrag office and this is what she had to say:

Share with us in about a hundred words who and what you are about, Anki!

I suppose that is a question for people that know you well, but I would say that I am quite a happy person who doesn’t dwell on things I cannot change much. I am rather stubborn and love a good discussion. I am the happiest when I travel or when I am at sea. My favourite destinations would be colourful countries that have a long history with architecture and a long artistic and textile tradition.

Tell us something about growing up, your younger days and about your family…

I grew up in Stockholm, Sweden and we had our country house close to the coast and about a 2-hour drive from the city. My school years were spent there as well with a lot of outdoor activities. I had one sister who was 13 years older plus a large bunch of cousins of varied ages as both my parents came from quite large families.

Where have you worked in the past before joining Frank Salt Real Estate?

I have worked in the tourism industry for many years, both here in Malta and overseas. Prior to that, I worked within the IT world in the UK and in also the catering industry in both Sweden and the UK. I have also been involved in several design and interior projects.

What persuaded you to join the Frank Salt Team?

Covid… it brought about some drastic changes to many people and I was no exception to the rule!

What is the best thing about being a property consultant?

The varied daily routine and the opportunity to meet a lot of different people.

Is there anything about working at the Ibrag Branch that is exciting and different?

We are quite a tight-knit branch, ruled by our mascot Snowy 🙂

What is your golden rule to being successful in real estate sales?

Perseverance and dedication.

What do you enjoy most of all about your work?

The fact that all days are different and definitely not mundane.

What is the best advice that you can give to someone who wants to become a property consultant in Malta?

It is not a bed of roses… but it is always very exciting.

Do you have a morning routine?

Not really… apart from trying to get my brain in working order as I am definitely not a morning person… oh, plus eating a banana to get me going!

Name something that you will take with you to a deserted island!

My camera and iPad – hoping I won’t forget the solar charger!

What is the best advice that you’ve ever received? 

Follow your heart!

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date? 

My kids!

Tell us about something you wish you knew when you were younger?

The fact that life is much shorter than you think!

What truly inspires you?

Altruistic people who do good things to make the world a better place.

anki ellul frank salt sales consultant

Who or what do you follow on social media right now and why? 

Definitely the property pages!

What do you like to do when you have time off?

Meet up with friends, entertain at home plus swim and snorkel.

What is your most treasured material possession and why?

I am not sure I have one… but I suppose my camera is something which gives me a lot of joy!

If there’s anything you could erase from or change in history, what would it be?

Tyrants and dictators as they are cause of wars and most ills in this world.

What instantly makes your day a lot better?

A smile!

What is the best thing you have ever eaten and where did you eat it?

My favourite is anchovies… believe it or not! And the best are from Spain!

If you could relive one special moment in your life, what would it be?

My trip to Cuba! A country with amazing people who danced through their life with a smile on their faces although most were very poor… even the rubbish collector!

What are the best life lessons that you have been taught by your parents?

Don’t take no for an answer.

Name one thing that can really upset you or make you angry…

Stupidity and narcissistic people

Tell us about your love for good design and how it plays a role in your life as a property consultant?

It is exciting to go into an unconverted house and see the potential… plus confer that to the clients.

anki ellul

Has your mobile changed your life and will you ever be able to live without it?

It definitely has and yes, for a short period of time when there’s no urgent need to communicate… but in the long term, I cannot see that it is possible for me to live without it.

Name at least 3 celebrities you will invite to a party and tell us why?

Gertrude Bell the English writer, traveller, political officer, administrator and archaeologist; Freya Stark, a British-Italian explorer and travel writer and Marie Colvin – an American journalist who worked for the Sunday Times.  They were fearless and they shaped and changed the Middle East in many ways with their love for the region.

What will be a typical Sunday lunch and where would you go?

Go for lunch on a restaurant terrace with friends overlooking the sea.

What do you consider makes someone a hero?

Being unselfish.

What do you like most about living in Malta?

The sea and the social life.

Which of your five senses would you say is the strongest and why?

Smell and sight – they combine for making many memorable experiences and memories!

What is the one thing that you HAVE to do before you reach 90?

Visit the Galapagos Islands.

What are you planning to do over the Festive Season?

Having some good food and drink with family and friends …and hopefully spend some time in Gozo.

Do you still keep in contact with any of your childhood friends?

Yes quite a few!

Do you have any Swedish customs you keep?

Yes, I make or buy certain Christmas dishes such s smoked reindeer heart and other delicacies.

anki ellul

Some fun facts about Anki we'd like to share.

Red or Rosé wine when I am in the company of my friends.

Late… as I am a night owl!

It does not really matter as one’s health is more important than any age.

Being the “Luzzu Queen”… and I guess, the organizer of several events and get-togethers!


The ones still left on my bucket list (but high up) are the Galapagos Islands, Iceland, Namibia and Ethiopia. The main reason I want to experience these countries is mainly the unbelievable contrasts these countries possess.

There’s no point in having any regrets, as there is nothing you can do about it anyway. Just look forward to more good times!

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