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Meet the Team: Andrew Tabone

22nd July, 2022
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Get to know Andrew!

This week we are putting Andrew Tabone, the letting manager from the Spinola letting department under the spotlight. Andrew has been with the group for some ten years and as someone who loves a challenge and prefers no two days to be the same, he has found his niche dealing with people from all walks of life in this busy and vibey office.

Immensely popular with his colleagues and friends, Andrew is also a massive football fan, especially of Inter Milan and his love of the “beautiful game” has been an inspiration to him for some years, prompting him to take up the sport himself. In his spare time, he loves going to gym and working out as he is an ardent supporter of the principle of “A sound body and a sound mind”.

Andrew enjoys a good party, but he is also known to have gotten up to some mischief with his siblings, especially in his younger days! This is what Andrew shared with us about his life, lessons learnt and some other words of wisdom:

Tell us more about yourself in under 100 words!

I am quite an outgoing person by nature with a down-to-earth vibe, someone that’s always up for a good laugh! However, when it comes to playing any sort of game, I’m extremely competitive… I have a major passion for sport whether it’s watching, playing or even debating (mainly with my dad). Music is also quite a big passion of mine with no real fixed genre, I just have a soft spot for Blues & House music. Keeping fit is also a vital part of my life as it makes me feel good mentally & physically – especially after a hard day’s work.

What can you tell us about your background, growing up and your family? 

My childhood was definitely action-packed. I grew up in St Julian’s and I’m the youngest of three siblings (I have a brother and a sister). I was “pulled” into planning all kinds of mischievous pranks when I was younger against my will; or so I made it seem! My summers and winters were divided between the Sliema Aquatic Sports Club and Luxol Sports Club, where I made quite a few friends along the way. Sundays were my favourite, as we all used to spend the day together, either on a hike, picnic or simply on the sofa picking on one another.

Tell us about your past work experience.

My previous work actually had to do with the ‘finishing’ of properties rather than renting them out. I am definitely grateful for that work experience, as it helped me mature greatly in the sector.

What attracted you to join the Frank Salt Team?

Apart from my sister egging me on to join, it was definitely the company’s reputation.

andrew tabone
andrew tabone

What is the most important thing to you when it comes to client service?

I believe empathy in this profession goes a long way; it helps towards building an honest and solid relationship with your clients.

Do you like reading and if so, what was the last book you read? 

I wouldn’t say I’m much of a reader but the last book I’ve read is ‘Can’t Hurt Me’ by David Goggins. It is a fantastic read.

Who would be your number one person from history or the present to have supper with (besides a partner and family) and why?

Ricky Gervais! The guy is hilarious, smart, well-read & likes a drink!

Do you have a favourite big screen movie and if so, why is it at the top of your list?

‘Interstellar’ – a masterpiece from beginning to end.

Let’s say you won the Euro Millions tomorrow. What would you do?

I’d start with travelling for a few months whilst I figure it out.

Have you ever binge-watched a TV series and if so, what and why?

‘Friends’ and still do! Even though I know what’s happening (word for word), I never seem to get tired of it.

If you were the lead singer of an international band, which one would it be and why?

The Rolling Stones! Fantastic songs with an amazing live performance, it’s a win-win!

Tell us about the strangest dish you have ever eaten…

Fried maggots and crickets in Thailand.

Is there anything you loathe doing and if so, why?

The process of getting clothes cleaned and neatly put away. If anyone enjoys this, I’ll gladly pass mine on!

Have you ever been to a property and felt that there was something paranormal going on?


What is your best advice to younger people starting out in life?

Experience as much as possible, as memories last a lifetime.

Did you have a favourite year at school and would you relive it if you could?

I would definitely relive my final year of senior school at De La Salle College.

andrew tabone

If you had the chance and the money, would you like to be a space tourist?

Yes, I definitely would without hesitation!

How important is your phone in your life and what is your favourite social platform?

My mobile is extremely important in our line of work. My favourite social platforms are Twitter and Instagram.

Tell us about your love for exercise and what the benefits are to your daily life?

After working out daily for the past year and a half, I’ve grown to love it. Apart from the physical aspects of a workout, I’ve grown to realise how important it’s been for my mental well-being.

Let’s say we give you an unlimited budget for a party. Where would it be held and who will you invite?

Definitely in some jungle with all my friends!

Do you ever cook and if so, what?

Is a chicken breast in the oven considered cooking?

Let’s say you suddenly have superpowers overnight. What kind of hero would you be and what will be your name?

Teleportation! I still need to work on the name though.

Do you believe in fortune tellers, horoscopes or predictions?

I am slightly superstitious but not to that extent.

What do you think is the short answer to saving our planet?


What will you do if you had a time machine?

Go to the past and alter a few things. If possible.

Give us some examples of good manners you still practice.

At the top of my list is respecting one’s elders.

If you could unravel a secret or mystery and get to know all the facts behind it, what would it be? 

Definitely how the universe came to be.

Some fun facts about Andrew we'd like to share

Spring, as the weather is simply perfect.

My actual age, or just slightly younger. 

I’ve been to a few places, but there are still plenty more I would like to see. If I had to put a bucket list together I’d take up too much space in this bio, so let’s just say there are loads more!

I love a good party… I’m not gonna lie!

Continued participation in competitive sport.

andrew tabone

Andrew Tabone

Spinola Letting Manager

Andrew is the Letting Manager at Frank Salt Real Estate Spinola Branch.

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