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Meet Our People – Claudio Fenech

3rd September, 2021
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Claudio Fenech

Claudio is a relative newcomer at the Mellieha branch after having spent years in the hospitality industry at first. Known for his outgoing and friendly personality, he brings a light-hearted but professional touch to this sometimes very serious profession.

His affinity for people is a primary reason for his success as he draws constantly on his background experience of dealing with all kinds of personalities throughout the years, finding out precisely and clearly what a client wants when it comes to real estate. Claudio is however a hands-on, down to earth guy who appreciates the simple pleasures life has to offer and this approachable demeanour of his has paved the way for setting many a difficult client at ease in the past.

It is also with some envy that we found out that his home is a mere 7 metres away from the sea in Armier! With finding himself in the perfect career, living on a Mediterranean island a stone’s throw from the ocean and being able to go fishing when the fancy takes him, who says dreams do not come true? Claudio’s certainly has. We sat with him to find out more about his life.

“...What i love the most is the sense of satisfaction when i match a client and property and you witness the joy on the clients' face... it's priceless!“

Who is Claudio in 100 words? 

I’m 43-years old, born and raised in Mellieha. I always have a positive attitude to life and although I’m usually a bit shy in the beginning, I always end up as the life and soul of the party! I am also blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my ‘daughter’ from a previous relationship –Alisha Stella and my partner of many years Caroline. I live in a quaint boathouse in Armier literally by the sea, a place where stress and anxiety are definitely not welcome.

What can you tell us about your background and your family? 

Mellieha’s locals all know one another through family nicknames more than by name. My parents are both from Mellieha and my dad was like a best friend to me but unfortunately he passed away in an accident 20 years ago. His name was Fredu ‘Taz-Zibda’. My mother is the most loving and caring person I know: a widow and proper, proud housewife Vitorin ‘Ta Laham’. Then there is my sister Josianne, who is older and wiser than me but everyone says she looks a lot younger than me …but I know they are just pulling my leg haha!

Tell us some cool facts about any hobbies or other stuff you enjoy doing in your free time?

When I was younger I tried to play football, but when I realised I was far from becoming the new Cristiano Ronaldo I decided to start going to the gym. I went on a regular basis and felt a sense of true belonging. The fact that I was doing something, specifically for myself, made me feel good… so since then gym has become my healthy addiction.

My other passion is the sea and when I say the sea, I mean everything that comes with it: I like fishing, I like going out with our boat, I like swimming, I like the noise of it, I just like looking at it… the sea fascinates me!

Share some details of your academic achievements and work experience with us

After having attended Mellieha Primary School, Hamrun Junior Lycium and finally Msida Sixth Form, I wrote the required exam for qualifying as a civil servant, which I passed. As a result of this, I was employed at the Customs Department in 1999 and stayed there for 8 years. During this time I also worked part-time in the hospitality industry, something which I was passionate about. I proceeded to enrol in a hotel management course in 2007 and thus became a proud hotelier! This career change saw me working for a number of top hotels in Malta, especially those located in the northern part of the island. Through this industry I met countless numbers of truly amazing people, but the strange thing is that I never stopped learning from them.

What attracted you to join the Frank Salt team?

After testing positive for Covid-19 in August 2020, I had to isolate myself for 14 days and this afforded me the time to rethink what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. While I was browsing through social media on my phone one day, an advert for the position of property consultant popped up. This made me think: In the past I sold and bought several properties through Frank Salt’s Mellieha Branch so I had an extremely professional experience already under the belt with the company. I decided to reach out to Patrick Xuereb, the Mellieha Branch Manager and set up a meeting for the first day after I completed quarantine. I met Patrick for a coffee… and the rest is history! Coincidently, I am now sitting at the very desk that was previously occupied by the agent that assisted me in selling and buying my properties!

Usually I’m the joker, the life of the party but those that know me know that I am very caring. I love helping others and seeing people happy.

Claudio Fenech

If you could have supper with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

I would love to have supper with the present Dalai Lama and I won’t leave the table before I get all the possible knowledge regarding the power of staying calm in all circumstances.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?  

I’m at the Mellieha branch and I consider myself very lucky to be part of this amazing team who made me feel welcome from day one. Through our jobs as agents we meet a lot of people. This is a natural habitat for me and I love it, but what I love the most is the sense of satisfaction when I match a client and property and you witness the joy on the clients’ face… it’s priceless!

Tell us about any obsessions you have!

I feel that I always want to improve myself and learn more…so my thirst for knowledge and experience is unquenchable.

What would you do if you had enough money and did not need to work?  

This is an easy question, because I frequently talk with Caroline of how I wish to retire one day. It will definitely be at the boathouse, with a Maltese luzzu moored on the ready so I can go fishing whenever I want! I have no need for anything fancy, just a simple life and to relax. We could go for holidays twice a year though, as that’s what Caroline and I also love and as they say: “Happy wife, happy life!”

What was the last show you binge-watched?

We like to end our day with an episode from a good series. At the moment we are watching ‘Mind Hunters’ which is about the founding of the Behavioural Science Unit at the FBI in the late 1970s.

What is the silliest of your fears? Why?

The fear of not doing enough!

Is there anything you hate doing and if so, why?

I don’t do anything that I don’t like. I always try to do what makes me truly happy.

Any stories or incidents you would like to share that happened at work and that you will never forget? 

In 2020 I joined Frank Salt’s Mellieha Branch and that same year we won the “Frank Salt Best Branch” title… something that I will never forget!

What advice will you give to someone who wants to become an estate agent? 

If you relate well to people and love meeting clients plus you can handle some disappointments along the way, then surely go for it! It provides a lot of satisfaction… I absolutely love it.

What was the last gift you gave someone? 

A pair of shoes.

Claudio Fenech


What advice would you give to your previous boss if you could?  

Dedicate some time daily to go round the office and wish everyone a “Good morning!” to break down some walls…

And thank you!

Would you relive your days in high school if you could?

Yes for sure, no doubt about that.

What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it?

Sometime ago I had the opportunity to come across “The Secret”, a very powerful book and I really feel that it has helped me as a person. I have sequels to this book but never have the time to start reading them… yet!

What two items would you take with you if you shipwrecked excluding food and water?

A motor boat and petrol!

What do you think about climate change and global warming?

It’s very worrying and in my opinion the world’s governments are not giving it the appropriate attention. I really hope they start before it’s too late, if it’s not already.

What do you like about Mellieha?

Everything. Mostly the people, the community. We all know and respect one another. The village itself is an absolute GEM with an amazing countryside and it is surrounded by fantastic waters. As I said, everything.

Can you get along without your mobile phone for a weekend?…. and whatever the answer, elaborate?

I wish, but if I say yes I will know that I’m lying! In our job we need our mobiles handy and besides, I need to call my mum daily apart from visiting her.

What would we find in your fridge right now? 

Wine, beer, water, different cheeses, hams, dips, salads, vegetables, fruit, sauces, milk and one chocolate bar for the cravings!

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see play the lead role and what would it be called? 

I would love to watch Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) being called “Claudio”… haha! I have two nicknames derived from the movies, Shrek and Hulk, so I would go for the title of the movie to be “The Tame Hulk”.

What would your choice be for the perfect holiday: an exotic country, a polar expedition or diving with sharks? If none of these take your fancy, what would it be?

Without any doubt an exotic country, but then while I’m there and I get the opportunity to dive with sharks, I would go for it.

What will you do if you have a time machine?

I would go back 20 years so I could say a proper goodbye to my dad, because as things happened, the way he passed away, I never had the opportunity.

Will you ever consider becoming a space tourist?

I never thought about it and it has never inspired me.

Will you ever consider becoming a space tourist?

I never thought about it and it has never inspired me.

Claudio Fenech

Some interesting facts about Claudio we’d like to share

Star sign:

Morning person or a night owl: Morning!

Favourite month:
July, as I can enjoy our boat

Favourite all-time movie or book:

Favourite season:

Idea of a night out:
A nice dinner and then drinks at the bar



Name one thing that you regret not having done:
Not confronting people who stabbed me in the back in the past… but I avoided doing
this as I did not want to cause any havoc at the time.

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