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Meet the People: Arianna Cutajar Ghigo

17th December, 2021
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Arianna Cutajar Ghigo

This week, we sat down with Arianna from Frank Salt Real Estate’s accounts department. She travels all the way from the south of Malta to St. Julian’s daily to crunch the numbers with the rest of the team and she is known for her expertise, helpfulness, and quick action when it comes to anything to do with finances. A lover of summer and the beach, things can only get better when she is relaxing with a good book or busy creating something blingy as a gift for friends and loved ones. Arianna has a witty sense of humour and does not take life too seriously, living each moment to the full. We were very eager to find out precisely makes her tick.

“Rather than understand what you do in the job, you should understand why you do it.“

Who is Arianna in 100 words?

I am a very bubbly and easy-going person, happy-go-lucky, I love to be surrounded by friends and family and one thing that I HATE is being alone… although sometimes it is needed. I ADORE my niece, nephew, and my King Charles Cavalier named “King”. I’ve been happily married for 4 years and I have a great love for travel, especially caravan road trips. I also love good food, photography, and enjoy hosting lunch parties as one of my passions is cooking! 


What can you tell us about your background and your family?

To me, my family is everything. My mum is the strongest person I have ever met and my father was the most hardworking person and very dedicated to his family. I am the youngest and 4 years younger than my sister Annalise. She is a very talented nail artist and also happily married. She gave us the most amazing two blessings in our family: my niece Keisha and nephew Carter. The past 2 years have been the worst and most challenging for our family as we lost our father to the horrible disease of CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease). It was a huge shock as he passed away just 2 weeks after being diagnosed. One thing that none of us have are any regrets when it comes to my father. We always respected each other, loved our family deeply and we spent as much time together as possible throughout his life.


Tell us about your past work experience?

I’ve been with the Frank Salt family for 9 years… so there’s not much time left for additional past work experience (laughs). Whilst I studied, I also worked at a small mini-market and this was such a lovely experience! I was surrounded and loved by the local people that used to visit the shop on a daily basis… it was quite sad leaving there but I definitely have no regrets. After that I spent 2 years working in a toy factory which was quite interesting and then I decided to join Frank Salt Real Estate…. and I never looked back.


What attracted you to join the Frank Salt Team?

At the time, subsequent to completing my studies I wasn’t actually looking for a job, however a friend of mine (who was a bank manager working in St Julian’s just opposite Frank Salt Real Estate’s head office) called me to tell me that FSRE had an accounts assistant vacancy going and whether I would be interested in applying. As sad as it always is to leave colleagues and a job behind that you are happy in, I wanted to learn more and grow in my field of study…so I never regretted the decision to join FSRE.


I am a very bubbly and easy-going person, happy-go-lucky, I love to be surrounded by friends and family and one thing that I HATE is being alone… although sometimes it is needed. 

Arianna Cutajar Ghigo

What is your favourite read? Magazines, books, and which one?

I like reading both: magazines for the hot gossip and books for some time to get away from reality. Reading is one of the best therapies to clear your mind, especially if done at the seaside… it is pure bliss! Although I like reading about history, my favourite book is “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.


Do you have any outdoor activities you enjoy doing?

I love walking, especially in scenic areas where I get completely lost in nature and the scenery. I also love to swim and in summer I try to go for a dip after work and enjoy the sunset hour as it’s the most beautiful time of the day! 


We heard that you like baking and crafting….tell us more?

Yes it’s true! I do this when I have some free time which is mostly on rainy Sundays. I love baking and if I see something I like, I will just follow the recipe and make it. I am a DIY kind of person… I never say no to trying something until I have found out whether I can or can’t do it! Making something for someone by hand is that more special and sentimental. I also love making jewellery and create handmade headbands adorned with jewels or some crocheting. 


If you could have supper with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

Having supper one last time with my father. 


What do you enjoy the most about your job? 

The good relationship I have with my manager, working with great people and gaining knowledge. I love how everyone treats their colleagues as family.


Which film have you seen over and over again and enjoyed every time?

I have a lot of favourite movies that I’ve seen MULTIPLE times and I always enjoy them as if I’ve never seen them before! I honestly cannot choose just one but I will give you a few: “Mean Girls”, “White Chicks”, “Pearl Harbour”, “Titanic”, “Armageddon”, “Home Alone”, “Jack Frost”… all the classics!


What would you do if had enough money and did not need to work?

OK! I would definitely be somewhere far away from here, travelling the world!


What is your best childhood memory?

It has to be weekends at my family’s boat house – nothing can ever beat that!


What was the last show you binge-watched?

“Love Island”… very cheesy but if it helps, I’m currently binge-watching “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” again… and that is always a good idea!


Imagine you are at karaoke night. What song will you be singing?

I wish you could ask my friends this… it’s definitely 101%, “7TH WONDER” by Ira Losco (laughs). Sorry, but I can’t help it!


What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

FROGS in Paris!


Is there anything you hate doing and if so, why?

I hate it when at times I cannot be myself… just to fit in. I also dislike it immensely if I have to explain myself when it is not actually required. I feel every person has his or her own character and personality and no one should have to change themselves just to be accepted.


Are you a sore loser?

My friends call me a sore loser (laughs), but yes I will admit, I am a sore loser.


What advice will you give to someone who wants to work in finance and accounts?

Be a team player and always be open to expanding your knowledge. Rather than understand what you do in the job, you should understand why you do it. Rather than evaluate what steps you have to perform to do your work, understand how you could do it more efficiently…learn the basics. Start out from the bottom and absorb everything you can. 


What would you like to know more about, but haven’t had the time to look into it?

Photography! I really like taking photographs and I wish I had more time to study it formally, to take my interest in photography further. I hope I will find time very soon!


Where else in the world could you live and why? 

My biggest wish was always to either move or spend a year in either Canada or Australia with a caravan. I have family in both countries and it was always something I thought about. 

Arianna Cutajar Ghigo


What is your best advice to younger people starting out in life?

I always teach my niece and nephew to stay as young as possible for as long as possible…to live life at a steady pace. Have fun; make the most out of what you have and not to take life too seriously: just be happy! Through that you will automatically inspire people around you to feel the same. One thing I wish that I did when I was younger is to believe in myself a lot more than I did. Always be kind to yourself and know your worth!


Would you relive your days in high school if you could?

I would definitely relive them if I could! I had a great time in high school and loved all the friends that I’ve met. 


If you had a warning label attached to you, what would it say?

“This girl takes nothing seriously and loves sarcasm and dark humour!”


What are the ingredients for a good party?

Good music, good company, lots of dancing and shots, shots, shots! 


Can you get along without your mobile phone for a weekend?…. and whatever the answer, elaborate?

I can yes, why not! Especially if there’s a beach, games, activities, good company, and cocktails included 🙂 

What is your favourite pasta dish in the whole world?

Tortellini Avenue! 


What would be your superpower?  

To cure ill people, especially when there’s no cure for their particular illness.



What will you do if you had a time machine? 

I will definitely go back to my childhood years. 


Tell us about your travels….how many countries have you been to and which one stood out above the rest?  

I LOVE travel… I believe it is the only thing you buy that makes you richer! I’ve been to 8 countries but had to miss out on our honeymoon in Panama/Costa Rica/Mexico/Miami and the Caribbean due to my father passing away just a week before. However, my favourite holiday was spent in Croatia with a campervan last October. It was the most amazing holiday I’ve been on with people close to my heart and it made for the best memories. That was one holiday I will never forget!


Is there anything that you wonder about, that you wish you knew more about or the secret of? 

Learn how and when to say: “I’ve had enough!”


Some interesting facts about Arianna we’d like to share

What is your star sign:

What is your favourite beverage? Coffee, tea, soft drinks…?:
Iced coffees and cappuccinos, if alcohol is excluded from the list (laughs).

Morning person or a night owl:
Night owl!! I and mornings are not quite friends, until coffee kicks in.

Favourite month:
I love December because it’s Christmas and it’s such a busy time full of events… but I have to stick with August as nothing beats the summer months.

Favourite season:
Spring and winter ….the latter purely because of Christmas.

What age would you choose…. if you could be that age forever?
I think I’ll choose age 25 where you’re both mature and young at the same time.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?:
“Am I rich yet?” (laughs). Honestly though I think about work, traffic, and how I will manage to get all the day’s tasks done.

Tell us what your favourite season is:
Definitely summer, although I love spring as I have my birthday in March but I can never choose between the two!

Idea of a fantastic night out: Friends, unlimited laughs, dancing, and booze.

Name one thing that you regret not having done:
Having gone on more holidays with my Dad …but it is unfortunately too late for that now. It breaks my heart that I never took my father to see his favourite football team. He wasn’t a huge fan of flying but I had the power to make him do anything, I was his favourite.

Restaurant sit-down meal or delivery/takeout: 
At a restaurant! Any opportunity to get out of the house and go out… I’ll happily take it.

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