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Green Is The New Black: Frank Salt Launches Environmental Initiative!

22nd November, 2018
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So long, plastic straws. Welcome, reusable cups and containers. Wooden cutlery, it’s great to finally meet you! Such is the (much needed) order of the day – companies everywhere, in their own way, are taking steps towards conserving the environment around us, in an effort to build a greener world for ourselves and for future generations. 

As a long time real estate agency in Malta, Frank Salt Real Estate has actually been carrying out environmental and charitable work for a good 50 years now, unbeknownst to the majority of the public – until now. In keeping with these values, as well as our solid reputation for honesty, ethics and integrity, we’ve decided to launch our very own environmental initiative.

Pull The Other One, It’s Got Bells On

We know what you’re thinking – a property company going environmental? Sounds a bit like Trumpian logic…

However, thanks to a number of upcoming initiatives put together by our appointed “Let’s Go Environmental” committee we’ve managed to set targets aiming at preventing pollution, reducing waste by recycling as much as possible and using water and energy in a more efficient way.

All We Are Saying, Is Give Green A Chance…

As a leading real estate agency in Malta, we recognise both the positive and negative impact of the current boom in the property sector and the subsequent effects on the environment and quality of life. We’re just as passionate about our charming and unique Maltese villages along with our unique architecture; we’re well aware that in order to preserve this way of life, we need to give our local environment some serious TLC. Our committee, made up of diverse staff members experienced in environmental matters, have drawn up the following as part of our environmental initiative:

1. Sun’s Out, Puns Out: We complain so often about the summer heat in Malta – why not harvest the sun’s full potential instead? A big solar panel project is currently in the works here at Frank Salt Real Estate… continue watching this space for more news!

2. May the Forest be With You: We’ve officially joined the green side: our proposed activities in this area include maintaining and sponsoring public gardens and irrigation projects, clean-ups of various areas including valleys, tree planting and reducing plastic in the environment.

3. We’ve Bin Recycling: Each one of our offices has been provided with a disposal container for batteries, and will be supplied with bins and bin liners to facilitate waste separation. Desk bins, on the other hand, will not have bin liners to ensure proper waste separation.

4. Just Like A Ninja: We’ll leave fewer footprints behind – carbon footprints, that is. By coordinating with different NGOs, we hope to help lessen their operating burden while reducing our own carbon emissions.

The Environment – So Over-Raided…

Which is why Frank Salt Real Estate has answered the call! As a top estate agency in Malta, we approach every one of our campaigns with full determination and willingness to achieve set goals; we hope that these initiatives above will increase awareness about the issues currently facing our environment while improving the quality of life for all. For more information about our environmental initiative or about our services, feel free to contact us through our website.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more updates!

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