Relocating to Malta from Spain

Reasons why People Relocate from Spain to Malta

Malta is a small island nation situated in the Mediterranean Sea, just south of Italy. It boasts a diverse cultural heritage, shaped by a variety of civilizations such as the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, and Knights of St. John. The official languages spoken in Malta are Maltese and English, and it has a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. Malta is renowned for its stunning beaches, clear waters, and fascinating historical landmarks, such as the Megalithic Temples, designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Compared to other European countries, Malta has a lower cost of living, making it a popular destination among tourists and expats alike.

Why Should Spanish nationals relocate to Malta.

There are several reasons why Spanish people might consider moving to Malta:

  1. Mediterranean lifestyle: Malta has a laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle that may be appealing to Spanish people. With beautiful weather, stunning beaches, and a relaxed pace of life, it offers a high quality of life.

  2. Language: As a Spanish speaker, you may find it easy to communicate in Malta, as many Maltese people speak Spanish as a second or third language.

  3. Career opportunities: Malta has a growing economy and offers opportunities in a variety of sectors, such as iGaming, finance, and tourism. There are also many English teaching opportunities available.

  4. Low cost of living: Malta has a lower cost of living compared to many other European countries. This means that your money can go further, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.

  5. EU membership: As a member of the European Union, Malta offers Spanish citizens access to healthcare, education, and other services available across the EU.

Overall, Malta offers a combination of Mediterranean lifestyle, job opportunities, affordable living costs, and EU membership that may make it an attractive option for Spanish people looking to relocate.

We look at some of the main motivational points why Spanish citizens are attracted to Malta:

Lower Taxes

When it comes to taxes, there are some differences between Malta and Spain. Here’s a brief comparison:

  1. Personal income tax: In Malta, the personal income tax rates range from 0% to 35%, depending on your income level. In Spain, the rates range from 19% to 45%. However, Spain offers more deductions and exemptions than Malta, which can help reduce your tax liability.

  2. Value-added tax (VAT): In Malta, the standard VAT rate is 18%, with reduced rates of 5% and 7% for certain goods and services. In Spain, the standard rate is 21%, with reduced rates of 10% and 4%.

  3. Property tax: In Malta, property tax is charged at a flat rate of 15% on the annual rental value of the property. In Spain, there is a property tax known as “Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles” (IBI), which is charged annually at a rate of up to 1.1% of the property’s assessed value.

What are the benefits of Malta residence for Spanish citizens?

Business purposes

Malta offers a range of incentives to attract businesses to its shores. The country has a strong economy, with low corporate tax rates and a strategic location that allows businesses to easily access European markets. Malta’s government offers various incentives to businesses, including reduced tax rates, investment incentives, and grants to encourage innovation. In addition, the country has a highly skilled workforce and an advanced telecommunications infrastructure, making it an ideal location for businesses that require high-speed internet connectivity. Malta is also a hub for the iGaming industry and is home to a number of internationally renowned gaming companies.


Malta is a great place to retire, thanks to its warm climate, low cost of living, and high quality of life. The country’s healthcare system is of a high standard and is available to both Maltese citizens and foreigners. Malta has a thriving expat community, with many retirees from other European countries choosing to spend their golden years on the island. English is widely spoken, and there is a range of activities to keep retirees busy, including golfing, sailing, and cultural events. The country is also well-connected to the rest of Europe, making it easy for retirees to travel and explore other parts of the continent.

Property Investment

Malta is an excellent place to invest in property. The country has a strong property market, with steadily increasing prices and a high level of investment activity. There is high demand for rental properties, with rental yields often exceeding mortgage payments and other expenses associated with owning property. Malta also offers attractive tax incentives for property investors, including reduced tax rates on rental income and exemptions from property transfer taxes for certain types of investments. Additionally, Malta’s strategic location in the Mediterranean, its strong economy, and its high quality of life make it an attractive destination for international investors.

Residency Programmes

Malta offers a number of residency programmes that make it easy for individuals and families to relocate to the country. One of the most popular programmes is the Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP), which allows non-EU nationals to obtain a residency permit in Malta in exchange for a minimum investment of €250,000. The programme is open to investors, retirees, and those looking to relocate for work or business purposes. Successful applicants can live, work, and travel within the EU without any restrictions, and can enjoy a range of benefits, including a favourable tax regime, access to healthcare, and a high quality of life.

In addition to the MRVP, Malta offers a range of other residency programmes, including the Global Residence Programme (GRP) and the Residence Programme (RP). The GRP is designed for individuals who are not citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland and offers a favourable tax regime for individuals who meet certain criteria, while the RP is designed for EU/EEA/Swiss nationals and offers a reduced tax rate on income earned in Malta.

Overall, Malta’s residency programmes offer a range of benefits for individuals and families looking to relocate to the country. Whether you are looking to invest, retire, work, or study in Malta, these programmes make it easy to obtain residency and enjoy all the benefits that this beautiful island nation has to offer.


Malta offers a range of educational opportunities, from primary to tertiary education. The country has a high literacy rate and a well-developed education system, with a focus on English language education. Malta is home to a number of international schools and universities, offering a range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Many of these institutions offer courses in English, making it an attractive destination for international students. Malta is also a member of the European Union, allowing students to easily access other European universities and study programs.


Malta’s strong economy and growing job market make it an attractive destination for professionals looking to work abroad. The country has a highly skilled workforce, with a focus on ICT, finance, and tourism. There are many opportunities for English-speaking professionals, particularly in the iGaming industry, which is a major employer in Malta. The country also offers a range of incentives to attract foreign workers, including reduced tax rates and relocation assistance.

Other Benefits of Malta

High-Quality Health Care

Malta is well-known for its excellent public and private healthcare systems. It has ultra-modern facilities and highly skilled medical professionals. The public healthcare system is free to all EU citizens and also to any residents that are in employment. Affordable private healthcare options are available for those who want fast access to medical services.

Multilingual Advantage and Friendly People

Maltese and English are the official languages of Malta and this makes it very easy for Spanish expats to communicate and integrate with the local community. Spanish also love the passionate way of living life in Malta, with a very similar mentality to some Spanish regions.

Safeguarding Human Rights

Malta offers a safe and secure environment for individuals and families alike and violent crime is seldom heard of. Malta has also been chosen to host EuroPride from 7-17 September 2023 as it has consistently been regarded as one of the most progressive and safe places in the world for the global LGBTQ+ community. For many Spanish living in a host country and automatically being part of a minority leads to a better understanding of people in the same situation in their homeland, leading to a better life for everyone.

Career advancement

Careers in IT and i-Gaming has resulted in many Spanish and other Europeans making Malta their home, as Malta is the EU’s leading hub when it comes to technology and online gaming.                               

The economy of Malta

Malta is a Gateway to Africa, Europe and the Middle East

Malta is within easy travelling reach of Spain, making it easy for Spanish expats to visit family or fly for business reasons to its major cities. In return Malta is no more than two and a half hours of flight time to all major European cities such as Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome and Milan from Luqa International Airport. Due to its location, Malta is perfectly situated as a hub between Europe, North Africa and the Middle East which is great for doing business.

Malta’s Culture is Unique

Being at the crossroads of major continents and having been occupied by many nations over the millennia, Malta has a unique character and culture, unlike anything else in Europe. Influences on the region’s culture, cuisine and language can be traced to Germany, Spain, France, North Africa and even the Middle East. Malta is thus the perfect melting pot and a fusion hotspot.

Malta Property and the Economy

Malta has become an increasingly popular destination for property investment in recent years. Here are some reasons why Malta is a great place to invest in property:

  1. Strong economy: Malta has a growing and stable economy, with low unemployment rates and strong GDP growth. This means that there is a high demand for property, both for rental and for purchase.

  2. Attractive tax incentives: Malta offers several tax incentives for property investors, including reduced tax rates on rental income and exemptions from property transfer taxes for certain types of investments.

  3. High rental yields: Rental yields in Malta are generally high, with rental income often exceeding the mortgage payments and other expenses associated with owning property.

  4. Strategic location: Malta’s location in the Mediterranean makes it an attractive destination for international business and tourism, which in turn drives demand for property. It also offers easy access to other European destinations.

  5. Quality of life: Malta offers a high quality of life, with beautiful scenery, a Mediterranean climate, and a relaxed lifestyle that attracts both tourists and expats.

  6. Strong property market: Malta’s property market has been consistently strong in recent years, with steady price growth and a high level of investment activity.

In conclusion, Malta offers a range of benefits for those looking to relocate for business purposes, retirement, property investment, education, or work. With its strong economy, attractive tax incentives, high quality of life, and strategic location, Malta is an ideal destination for those looking to start a new chapter in their lives. Malta’s strong economy, attractive tax incentives, high rental yields, strategic location, quality of life, and strong property market make it an excellent destination for property investment. 

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